Spiritual Alchemist, Holistic healer, Mindfulness- based, Intuitive, Empowerment and Embodiment Coach.


My work as a healer has been shaped by my own journey back to wholeness. I was born in Ukraine, and moved to the US when I was four. My interest in helping people was sparked at a young age as I witnessed the dysfunction in my family. I grew up with tremendous shame and fear, inherited from years of trans generational trauma. Through it all, I never lost contact with my internal wisdom. The resilient part that knew what safety in connection felt like.

This intuitive part guided me to pursue psychology in high school and college. My first experience was in college at a crisis hotline. It was during this time that I also began meditating and doing yoga on a daily basis. After college I completed half of a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy at which point I worked at an underprivileged charter school in North Philadelphia. After leaving this program I worked with Autistic children and children with behavioral challenges.

A few years later I would find myself in Boulder for graduate school at Naropa University. During this time I would work with young adults in transition and earned my Masters in Transpersonal Counseling. While in school I trained in Somatic Experiencing and Shamanism before starting my body based, trauma informed private practice.

It was during my time at Naropa that I went through psychedelic assisted therapy. This experience gave me relief from complex PTSD and treatment resistant depression. After this experience I trained with a private mentor in the therapeutic administration of psychedelic medicines.

Personally, I am inspired by nature, gardening, mixed media art, and travel. I am passionate about sustainability and permaculture. Ashtanga Yoga and meditation have been grounding forces in my life. Church for me is Grateful Dead music. In a few years I envision myself leading retreats at an off grid permaculture community. Healing within as we heal our planet together. By bringing awareness and expression to our authenticity, we find empowerment and liberation from fear. I am deeply committed to the collective awakening and the principles of sustainability, collaboration, community, and unconditional love.