
“In this work, many practitioners label themselves as “holistic, grounded, and empathetic”, and while I do not deny the possibility that they very well may be, Sasha’s ability to embody each of these aspects stands out to me from the rest. This is true because Sasha is highly skilled at remaining present, accommodating and curious during emotions that we as humans often label “negative” (like anger, sadness, fear and disgust). I have worked with many healers both as a professional and as a client, none have held space for “negativity” in quite the same was as Sasha. While many convey empathy during healing work with a sense of “other” to maintain boundaries, Sasha has a unique way of diving deeply into the healing work with strong boundaries and a sense of togetherness. For example, if you are feeling angry during a session, she’ll not only encourage you to yell, she will yell with you. If you’re sad, scared or ashamed, she’ll hold a palpable energetic space in the room, that is both safe and caring to allow whatever emotion that needs to be felt surface. It is through this sense of safety that healing happens. I have witnessed her work as a friend, colleague and client, and cannot accurately express how deeply I believe in her and her process.”
-Whitney, Psychotherapist/Art Therapist/Friend

“Sasha brings a beautiful blend of real life experience and formal education that make her sessions feel both personal as well as enlightening and productive. She creates and holds a safe space where your true self and inner thoughts can bubble to the surface with ease and can be reflected upon without judgement. She meets you with compassion, courage and curiosity and is fully present with you in a way that seems very rare in today’s world. It becomes easy to see that Sasha stands grounded in herself and her practice and strongly believes in her work. If you get the opportunity to work with Sasha you may get the sense that this is not her job but rather her life passion and that passion is palpable. She fully invests herself in each session and you may be amazed at how much you can get from just one day with such an open minded and thought provoking individual. It is a truly priceless experience and one that I hope to continually revisit throughout my life.”- Lifelong friend, Musician

“Sasha taught me the power of unconditional love. In one of the most vulnerable, terrifying moments I've ever experienced, she encouraged me to surrender. At first, it was hard to relax and allow the moment to be, but the force of her love guided me gently into acceptance. Once I finally surrendered, the world became intensely beautiful. I bathed in the love, feeling the infinite potential of my being. My heart opened, and I saw the truth of who I am. From that day on, I softened. I now have more room for love in my life, and all of my relationships have reflected that. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I am often overwhelmed with gratitude in every day life. Sasha has a kind and open heart. She is a true healer in a world that desperately needs healing.”- Anonymous

"Sasha has been absolutely crucial in my healing. I have a long history with C-PTSD, and her wealth of information on trauma work has been a god send in helping me move forward and feel okay. Since I’ve started seeing her for trauma work, my nightmares and other symptoms have lessened and my overall well being has definitely increased. She has the empathy and skills to help you heal and move forward. Sasha creates a space that is welcoming and safe and I feel that she has been truly monumental in my healing.” - MJ, Clinician

”I've been struggling with mental health and Acadia for decades. No one changed my health, my life, my level of calmness and my ability to get in touch with my Self like Sasha did, and in only a few sessions. Our sessions have been some of the best things I've ever done. Period. “- Journalist, Anonymous

"Despite countless years of individual and family therapies, medications, breathing techniques, yoga, and various coping mechanisms, my anxiety and depression remained crippling to my wellness. At every moment, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders and had become almost entirely non-functional with anxiety; then I met Sasha. She and I have been working together for almost 4 months now and though highly skeptical at first, my strides have been immense, with almost 80% reductions in overall anxiety and depression in addition to an enormous amount of interpersonal growth. This became readily apparent by the second session and continues to offer significant improvements to my overall mental state. By providing an extremely safe space for me to explore alternate measures and techniques, I am able to now enjoy my day to day life for the first time in at least 20 years. Her guidance and therapies have taught me, (and continue to teach me), to identify self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors and correct them in real time. I never in my wildest dreams would have considered that it was possible for me to enjoy my life again, nor to this extent. I will forever be thankful for her experience and guidance."-Dan

I first became aware of Sasha Bellucci when she gave a presentation at a Nowak Society Meeting back in late 2019. I liked what she had to say and spoke to her briefly, and no doubt awkwardly. As a 50-something atheist curmudgeon, I instinctively dislike new age trappings (still do). Sasha was ok with this, because she is an accepting and non-judgmental person. 

While I’m definitely a philosophical materialist, I’m also incredibly interested in the human mind and its various states of consciousness. I had zero experience in the realm of altered states of consciousness and was not looking to “address” anything in particular, other than intense curiosity. 

 Sasha took a chance, trusted me, and on two occasions has helped me glimpse some fascinating inroads of the mind. When waves of intense sadness hit me during a part of one experience, Sasha let it happen while reminding me that I was safe. The words were comforting, but her reassuring demeanor was just as important. 

 She said later that she recognizes the wisdom in the sorrow, and I’m so glad that is her philosophy. She has a sincerity that can’t be faked. Sometimes funny and lighthearted, she is also serious, caring, and intuitive.

 All I know is that I feel “lighter” and the world seems to be a friendlier place. I have seen and felt some astonishing beauty, and I’m a bit more focused in my daily life. I’m so glad to have discovered Sasha. She is a young medicine woman with aproverbial old soul. 

 — G.T.