At this time in history great change is upon us. The systems that we have relied upon are failing and it is essential that we as a human race evolve into our own empowerment. As we take charge in our own lives, we will witness great change in the world around us.
So many of us live our lives thinking through them, we live our lives inside of our heads, tending to our bodies in terms of feeding ourselves when we are hungry and going to the doctor when we are sick. We dont realize that within the cells of our bodies we contain the entire universe, our ancestors, the earth, and our own rich internal wisdom. Deeper than anything that our minds could understand logically.
We do our best and we make choices throughout our lives, sometimes those choices lead us to our best life, and sometimes we end up wondering how we got to where we are today. It is never too late to honor your deepest truths. At any moment you can decide to go a totally different direction.
My focus is on relationship. Your relationship with yourself. Your relationship with others, with the planet. Relationships are a mirror to your internal world. Emotions are the key to discovering the mirror within. In your work with me you will discover the stories you tell yourself inside your own mind, and the projections that you put onto the world around you. I help you get clear on YOUR truth, and we work together to align your life in accordance with these truths.
I guide you to slow down, to really listen, to deeply feel. The wisdom is already inside of you. There is nothing more you need to learn from others about your internal world. You simply need to slow down and listen to what you already know within. There are so many sources that tell you what you should think and how you should feel in your life. It can be difficult to sort out what is true for you. I am her to be a guide to help you discover your deepest truths.